•  November 5, 2025 - November 14, 2025
     10:00 am - 5:00 pm

Virtual Certified Workplace Mediator and Trainer (CMT) in Conflict Resolution
November 5-7 & 12-14, 2025

The Virtual Certified Workplace Mediator and Trainer (CMT) program is a live online certification that equips participants with the skills to mediate workplace conflict, resolve their own conflict situations and train others on effective workplace conflict resolution strategies. This 40-hour course is ideal for professionals seeking to improve organizational dynamics and foster a positive workplace environment.

Designed for professionals in conflict resolution, talent development, training and development, executive coaching, employee relations and diversity, equity and inclusion, this program provides the tools and knowledge to excel in your career and make a significant impact in your organization.

Workplace Mediation

Participants gain essential skills for mediating workplace conflicts, including:

  • Core Competencies: Learn to identify and address various conflict types and their underlying causes.
  • Mediation Techniques: Master the structured approach to move from disagreement to resolution through Third-Party Resolution.
  • Practical Application: Enhance your skills through role-plays and exercises designed to refine mediation techniques and strategies.

Training Others in Conflict Resolution

Participants learn the MTI method of Managing Workplace Conflict and how to deliver the MTI conflict resolution seminar modules both in-person and virtually by utilizing comprehensive trainer guides, videos, participant workbooks and worksheets.

  • Necessary Knowledge (NK): Establishes the core competencies of conflict resolution and how to think strategically about conflict, rather than react blindly to it
  • Successful Conflict Conversations (SCC): Teaches individuals to mediate their own conflicts and evaluate how their behavior is impacting others (Self-As-Mediator)
  • Third-Party Resolution (TPR): Prepares managers to take a proactive mediation role to resolve conflict between two other individuals (Manager-as-Mediator)

The certification also features the Conflict Dynamics Profile (CDP), an individual assessment that increases self-awareness and improves conflict management skills. By completing the program, participants become certified to present, administer and provide feedback on the CDP-Individual (CDP-I) Assessment.

Program Overview


2-3 hours of reading and preparation, including a review of the CMT Open-House Video, prior to the start of the program.

Week 1 (Live Zoom Sessions)

November 5-7, 2025 (Wednesday through Friday)

Time: Daily
Morning Sessions: 10:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. ET

Afternoon Sessions: 2:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m. ET

Week 2 (Live Zoom Sessions)

November 12-14, 2025 (Wednesday through Friday)

Time: Daily
Morning Sessions: 10:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. ET

Afternoon Sessions: 2:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m. ET

One-on-one session with a Principal Trainer

The goal of the one-on-one session with the MTI Principal Trainer is to provide participants with an
opportunity to:

  • Apply what they have learned in the program to their current development needs;
  • Ask questions and discuss details about delivering the seminars;
  • Practice delivering a CDP-I Feedback Report; and
  • Review sections of the program to ensure clarity and understanding.

Who Should Attend

The CMT Program is for any professional, regardless of role or level within an organization, who wants to be certified in advanced workplace mediation and train others in conflict resolution skills.

The program is ideal for:

  • Human Resource professionals and leaders within organizations who are responsible for training and development
  • External training consultants and mediators who want to conduct these seminars with clients

Benefits of the CMT Course:

At the successful completion of the CMT, participants are recognized as:

Through the train-the-trainer certification, practitioners gain the ability to train others in effective workplace conflict resolution strategies by presenting MTI’s seminars: Third-Party Resolution (Manager-as-Mediator) and Successful Conflict Conversations (Self-as-Mediator).

Key Benefits

  • Strategies: Conflict resolution techniques tailored for both individuals and managers
  • Tools: Resources for building effective conflict resolution systems within an organization
  • Materials: Ready-to-use materials and resources for successful seminar delivery, including trainer resources, workbook kits and individual worksheets

All materials needed to deliver these seminars are available for purchase through MTI.

As part of the program, participants also are certified to administer and deliver the Conflict Dynamics Profile-Individual (CDP-I) version. The CDP-I is a powerful assessment that helps individuals and teams understand how they respond during conflict, what triggers can escalate conflict and how to manage conflict more effectively.

Key Benefits and Applications

  • Participants receive a comprehensive assessment of their own conflict behaviors through the CDP.
  • The program highlights both a model for conflict and practical applications for the CDP in coaching and in the mediation process.
  • The CDP-I is used with MTI seminars as part of a standalone workshop or in individual and team coaching.
  • The CDP Individual Group Report consolidates individual CDP-I results to help practitioners better understand team dynamics, providing averages, highs and lows for each scale.

The CDP-I and CDP Individual Group Report are available to purchase and deliver through MTI.

Earn certification as an MTI Workplace Mediator and be able to mediate differences confidently and efficiently to increase organizational productivity.

  • Equip participants with the necessary skills to mediate workplace conflict.
  • Provide tools to help participants build a system within their organization for more effective mediation and conflict resolution.
  • Teach participants how to help others work through the roadblocks that occur while trying to resolve conflict.

After certification, practitioners must purchase CDP licenses and seminar material kits for each participant through MTI.

Add the CDP Coaching Tool Kit

Include the CDP Coaching Tool Kit for $160 with Registration (Standard Pricing: $185 + Shipping)

Learn More About the Tool Kit

The Coaching Tool Kit offers valuable guidance and effective conflict resolution strategies to enhance CDP-I Certification. The kit includes:

  • Fully developed exercises and activities with clear directions;
  • Skillbuilding tools that move beyond mere awareness; and
  • Tips and approaches for coaching on different CDP Scales.

Participants may purchase the kit at the time of registration for $160 (regularly $185), which includes a $25 discount and no additional shipping fees. The kit comes with printed certification materials and is available electronically with downloadable worksheets and exercises.

Program Accreditations

IMI Certified Mediator Training Program - MTI

Mediation Training Accreditation with IMI

The CMT program has been independently verified and accredited by the International Mediation Institute (IMI), a non-profit initiative that promotes transparency and high competency standards in mediation worldwide. New practitioners completing the CMT program also become IMI Qualified Mediators, meeting global mediation standards.

Pre-Approved Continuing Education Credits (CEUs)

The CMT Program is pre-approved for CEUs with several professional associations:

ICF: Core-7 CEUs, Resource Development-8 CEUs, Total-16 CEUs

Virtual Program Attendance and Technical Requirements

To uphold the integrity of our accreditation with the International Mediation Institute (IMI) and professional associations, participants must adhere to the following standards:

Attendance: Participants may only miss up to four (4) hours total and in no more than one (1) hour increments. Exceeding this limit will not meet the requirements for certification.

Technical Requirements:

  • A monitor to view the training presentation
  • A working webcam, speaker and microphone (phone audio is acceptable)
  • Webcams must remain on during sessions.

Program Fees and Registration

Review the Refund and Transfer & Substitution Policy for the Mediation Training Institute.

*Please Note:

  • Select your organization type and associated discount (if applicable) from options below. Organization type will be verified upon submission and subject to approval.
  • Due to increased shipping costs abroad, registrants outside the continental U.S. will incur an additional $100 fee which will be invoiced upon receipt of registration.



Program Attendance

To become certified, participants must attend all program days (morning and afternoon sessions) along with meeting the other requirements.

Technology Requirements for the Program

All participants must have access to a monitor (to follow along with the training presentation), and a working webcam, speaker and microphone (connecting via phone can also be used for audio) to actively participate in each session.

Please contact us at [email protected] for more information.

Course Details Price Qty
CMT Program + Tool Kit (Corporate/Standard)* $2,775.00 USD  
CMT Program + Tool Kit (Government or Non-Profit Organization)* $2,495.00 USD  
CMT Program + Tool Kit (Educational Institution)* $2,360.00 USD  
CMT Program (Corporate/Standard)* $2,595.00 USD  
CMT Program (Government or Non-Profit Organization)* $2,335.00 USD  
CMT Program (Educational Institution)* $2,200.00 USD