Coaching is a key skill for consultants who work in the conflict resolution and mediation fields. Here are six different resources to help develop your coaching expertise.

Supplementary Resource: CDP Coaching Toolkit

CDP Coaching Tool Kit Preview

This tool kit gives Conflict Dynamic Profile (CDP) certified users materials and exercises to supplement their coaching on conflict management. Focusing primarily on the four Active/Constructive scales and the Hot Buttons, this guide helps coaches move beyond the simple “awareness” component of the CDP to the essential skill building phase. The tool kit is now available as a hard copy resource and accompanying LMS course.

Article: What It Takes to Coach Your People

4 core skills for coaching your people

The Leadership Development Institute (LDI) at Eckerd College is a Network Associate of the world-renowned Center for Creative Leadership (CCL). The coaching methodology at CCL, based on research and over 50 years of experience in coaching leaders around the world outlines the four core coaching skills using the LACE acronym.

Listen to Understand
Ask Powerful Questions
Challenge and Support
Establish Next Steps and Accountability

Video: Coaching in the Workplace

This two-and-a-half-minute video demonstrates that coaches can really help their coachees tap into their own inner resources to make changes or meet challenges if coaches engage in listening, ask powerful questions and make suggestions for their coachees to consider. It also includes interesting facts about the value of coaching. Worth a quick peek!

coaching is a conversation (1)
coaching for performance

Book: Coaching for Performance: The Principles and Practice of Coaching and Leadership by Sir John Whitmore

An international bestseller featuring the influential GROW model, this book is the founding text of the coaching profession. It explains why enabling people to bring the best out of themselves is the key to driving productivity, growth and engagement.

Free Coaching Tools: The Coaching Tools Company

The Coaching Tools Company offers several free coaching templates to add to your toolbox.

Team Alignment Tool: Team Canvas

Team Canvas is a free tool for leaders, facilitators and consultants to organize team alignment meetings and bring members on the same page, resolve conflicts and build productive culture, fast.

Goal Setting Materials: CDP-I Development Guide

The CDP-I Development guide is available to our CDP Certified users through the LDI Portal and is included with every CDP report.

The CDP-I Development Guide has an Action Planning section to help clients analyze their feedback report and create specific goals. Working through this process helps people to identify and focus on one or two goals which will have the greatest impact on their performance.

CDP-Individual Development Guide: 

Toward the Back of the CDP-I Development Guide, you’ll find two developmental worksheets—one focusing on your responses to conflict and the second on Hot Buttons.
Behind those you will find Steps for Successful Action Planning which will outline the plan in six steps:
  1. Review and Reflect,
  2. First Actions,
  3. Continued Feedback,
  4. Dealing with Setbacks,
  5. Staying the course and
  6. Continuous Improvement.
CDP-I cover image

Working through this process helps people identify and focus on one or two goals which will have the greatest impact on their performance.

If you would like to learn more about the CDP-I Development Guide and how you can become eligible to use, please reach out to the MTI team at [email protected].